Thursday, May 10, 2007

I'm working on clearing it, I swear!

Since I went on a graphic novel/trade paperback buying binge over the last two weeks, I have lots to read and lots to review after that. My current list of reading is:

"Lucifer: The Divine Comedy (Lucifer Volume 4)" by Mike Carey (writer) and various artists
"Runaways Volume 2" by Brian K. Vaughan (writer), Takeshi Miyazawa and Adrian Alphona (artists)
"The Next Nexus" by Mike Baron (writer) and Steve "The Dude" Rude (artist)
"Scout (Volume 1)" by Timothy Truman (writer/artist)
"Superman: The Kents" by John Ostrander (writer) and Timothy Truman (artist)
"True Story, Swear to God: Chances Are" by Tom Beland (writer/artist)

I've finished some of these already and will be writing them up in the next couple of days. The rest of the stuff I bought will be put up when I go home and actually get a list of all the things I bought. I will also review the earlier volumes of the titles I listed above since I tend to buy these in order if I have not collected the titles before.

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